lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014


This is for third grade A, B and C.

This is another exercise in order to keep practicing the FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE 

Change the verb into the correct form:
 1. By this time tomorrow, I ____________________finish) the project.
2. By 8 o'clock, the kids ________________(fall) asleep.
 3. By tomorrow morning, he __________________(sleep) wonderfully.
4. By next year, she ___________________(receive) her promotion.
 5. Robin _________________(sell) his car by next Sunday.
6. Morgan ___________________(clean) the entire house by lunch.
7. We _________________(dance) a few dances before midnight.
 8. At this time tomorrow morning, they _______________(begin) working.
9. At this time next week, we _________________(catch) the thief.
10. By 2013, I ________________(live) in Madrid for 5 years.
 11. In 2020, they ______________(work) here for 20 years.
12. By September, Julie ___________(teach) us for over a year.
13. By October, I ______________(study) English for 3 months.
14. On Monday, she ______________(wait) for 2 weeks.
15. Before Saturday, you ____________(do) all of your homework.

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