martes, 21 de abril de 2015


NOTE: THIS EXERCISE IS FOR THE FIRST GRADE LEARNERS Good afternoon, dear learners! Please don't forget to hand in this exercise of the simple past in time. Don't forget that we use the simple past for: Finished actions in the past. We use the simple past of regular and irregular verbs in the past. We use didn't for making negative sentences. We use Did+ infinitive of a verb (without to) to make questions. e.g. She visited her relatives last weekend. Did she visit her relatives last weekend? She didn't visit her relatives last weekend. EXERCISE. Make the past simple, positive, negative or question 1) She (go) home. . 2) We (watch) a film. . 3) When (he/arrive)? . 4) I (buy) a new car. . 5) Where (you/live)? . 6) I (play) tennis. . 7) Where (you/work) before? . 8) (they/come) for lunch? . 9) (we/study) this last year? . 10) They (drink) coffee. . 11) (you/see) that film? . 12) We (eat) dinner. . 13) You (not/go) out last night. .

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