martes, 1 de abril de 2014

first and second conditional tense for Second grade

This video from the British council  is quite helpful in order to remember when to use the first and the second conditional tense.  Please check and watch the video, post your comments Enjoy!

GRAMMAR SPOT FOR THIRD GRADERS: Future perfect and future perfect continuous

Good evening everyone, I think these tips will be helpful in order to remember how to use the Advanced future forms.

We use The future continuous (will be + ‘ing’ form) and the future perfect (will have + past participle)  to talk about events in the future.

Remember that we use the future perfect to talk about actions which are going to be concluded before a particular point in time. We often used the preposition 'by'with the future perfect tense.

The future continuous is used to talk  about actions in progress in a particular point in time in the future.

Future continuous

  • Don’t ring at 8 o’clock. I’ll be watching my favourite soap opera.
  • This time tomorrow we’ll be sitting and relaxing on the beach. 
We use the future continuous to talk about something that will be in progress at or around a time in the future.
  • Don’t phone grandma now, she’ll be having dinner.

    Future Perfect

  • Do you think you will have finished it by next Thursday?
  • In 5 years time I’ll have finished university and I’ll be able to earn some money at last.
We use the future perfect to say that something will be finished by a particular time in the future.

We often use the future perfect with ‘by’ or ‘in

  • I think astronauts will have landed on Mars by the year 2020.