jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

Convivencia pacífica escolar / Stop bullying

Throughout the Academic year, we're very concerned by letting you know how important is to get along and respect each other. So we have a couple of photographs to share about the work and the creativity of our alumni.

sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2014


BULLYING O ACOSO ESCOLAR..... Te choca o te checa?

Hola a todos! Esta entrada es importante para nosotros, ya que queremos dar a conocer las diferentes actividades que tenemos como parte del Consejo Escolar de nuestro colegio que promueve una convivencia escolar pacífica entre pares y formación en valores morales y cristianos como seres humanos de manera integral. Recordemos que el bullying o acoso escolar es agredir o humillar a otra persona de forma repetida, insultar, divulgar rumores, herir físicamente o emocionalmente, e ignorar a alguien, son formas de bullying entre pares. El bullying es un problema que afecta a millones de niños, niñas y adolescentes sin importar de dónde son, ni de donde vienen. Te invito a que veas el siguiente vídeo, que forma parte de la campaña anti-bullying dentro de nuestras escuelas. Escribe tus comentarios ya que son muy valiosos. Recordemos que debemos aprender a convivir de manera pacífica y firmar este compromiso en contra del acoso escolar.

miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014

Welcome back to school! School year 2014-2015

Welcome back! Good evening everyone, We are so excited with this new school year... We have been working quite hard in order to achieve our new goals. One of these goals is, to keep working together as the team that we are. Here on this blog, you will find some extra resources aswell as worksheets to keep improving our language skills. Welcome to our freshmen and if you need any help, remember that you can always rely on us! WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL! xxx, Your teacher! :)

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014


Hi everyone! This is the new podcast for first grade A,B & C called: What did they do before being famous? Don´t forget that you need to answer the following quiz: Name the odd jobs of the following celebrities: List the odd jobs that they used to do before being famous: 1)Bradd Pitt, Madonna, Johny Depp, Jennifer Lawrence, Taylor Swift,Gwen Stefani, Eva mendes, Kanye West Barack Obama and Julia Roberts.

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

first and second conditional tense for Second grade

This video from the British council  is quite helpful in order to remember when to use the first and the second conditional tense.  Please check and watch the video, post your comments Enjoy!

GRAMMAR SPOT FOR THIRD GRADERS: Future perfect and future perfect continuous

Good evening everyone, I think these tips will be helpful in order to remember how to use the Advanced future forms.

We use The future continuous (will be + ‘ing’ form) and the future perfect (will have + past participle)  to talk about events in the future.

Remember that we use the future perfect to talk about actions which are going to be concluded before a particular point in time. We often used the preposition 'by'with the future perfect tense.

The future continuous is used to talk  about actions in progress in a particular point in time in the future.

Future continuous

  • Don’t ring at 8 o’clock. I’ll be watching my favourite soap opera.
  • This time tomorrow we’ll be sitting and relaxing on the beach. 
We use the future continuous to talk about something that will be in progress at or around a time in the future.
  • Don’t phone grandma now, she’ll be having dinner.

    Future Perfect

  • Do you think you will have finished it by next Thursday?
  • In 5 years time I’ll have finished university and I’ll be able to earn some money at last.
We use the future perfect to say that something will be finished by a particular time in the future.

We often use the future perfect with ‘by’ or ‘in

  • I think astronauts will have landed on Mars by the year 2020.

domingo, 30 de marzo de 2014

Simple paste tense. Paradise by coldplay

This video is from the song paradise by coldplay, one of  my favourite bands whatsoever.

We can read the lyrics so we can review the simple past tense from them. Enjoy!

martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Developing writing First grade

Developing writing First grade

Writing a postcard
In order to improve our writing skills, here on this post you can find the common expressions that we should use when we write a postcard. First of all, how a postcard looks like:

Now, that you have read the example, maybe you still don’t know how to write a postcard.  
So if you still have questions, follow these pointers:
§  We usually begin a postcard with Hi or dear and the person’s name.
§  Then we talk about where we are and what we are doing we use the present continuous to do this.
§  When we talk about things we did before writing the postcard, we use the past simple.
§  We usually end a postcard with wish you were here, love, bye for now or see you soon.

Now, it’s time to you write down a postcard about you last holiday. 
Don’t forget to remember the tips and use the simple past to talk about events in the past.

Developing writing First grade

viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014



Audrey Hepburn  was a British actress and humanitarian. Recognised as a film and fashion icon, Hepburn was active during Hollywood's golden age She was ranked by the American film institute as the third greatest female legend in the history of American Cinema and has been placed in the International best dressed list Hall of Fame. She is also regarded by some to be the most naturally beautiful woman of all time.
Born in Ixelles, a district of Brussels, Hepburn spent her childhood between Belgium, England and the Netherlands, including German-occupied Arnhem during the Second World War. In Amsterdam, she studied ballet with Sonia Gaskell before moving to London in 1948 to continue her ballet training with Marie Rambert and perform as a chorus girl in West End musical theatre productions.

Reconocida como icono de la moda y el cine, Hepburn estuvo activa durante la época dorada de Hollywood. Está considerada por la American Film Institute como la tercera mayor leyenda femenina del cine estadounidense.Nacida en Ixelles, un distrito de Bruselas, Hepburn pasó su infancia entre Bélgica, Inglaterra y los Países Bajos, incluyendo a Arnhem que estuvo ocupada por los alemanes durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En Ámsterdam, estudió ballet con Sonia Gaskell antes de trasladarse a Londres en 1948 para seguir sus estudios de ballet conMarie Rambert y trabajar como corista en las producciones musicales de West End.